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Folk-lore Bibliography. 279

Owen (Rev. Elias). Welsh Folk-lore : a collection of the folk- tales and legends of North Wales ; being the prize essay of the National Eisteddfod, 1887. Revised and enlarged. Oswestry. Parts I, II (pp. I -144).

ROSAPELLY (N.). All pays de Bigorre : Usages et coutumes. 8vo, 97 pp. 1891.

Weissmann (M.). Die Ratselweisheit in den Talmudim und Mid- raschim fachHch und sachlich erlautert und in alphabet. Ord- nung dargestellt (in Hebrew). Part I. (To be completed in 10 parts.)


Ehrenreich (P.). Beitrage zur Volkerkunde Brasiliens. 4to. 80 pp., 50 plates. Berlin : Spemann.

Hellwald (F. von). Ethnographische Rosselsprlinge, Kultur- und Volksgeschichtliche Bilder und Skizzen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1891.

Ploss (H.). Das Weib in der Natur- und Volkerkunde. 3rd edition, revised and greatly enlarged by M. Bartels. 2 vols. 8vo. xiv, 575 ; vii, 684 pp. Portrait of Ploss, 10 plates, and 203 cuts. Leipzig, 1891.


Mitteis (L.). Reichsrecht und Volksrecht in den ostlichen Pro- vinzen des romischen Kaiserreichs. 8vo. xiv, 561 pp. Leipzig, 1891.

WiNTERNlTZ (M.). Das altindische Hochzeitsntuell nach dem Apas- tambiya-Gtihyasutra und einigen anderen verwandten Werken. Mit Vergleichung der Hochzeitsgebrauche bei den iibrigen indo- germanischen Volkern. Extr. Denkschr. d. K. Akad. der Wiss. 4to. 114pp. Vienna: Tempsky.

•.• The substance of this paper was read by Dr. W. before the second International Folk-lore Congress, and will appear in the Tra7isacttons of the same.


Campbell (G. A.). Santal Folk-tales. i6mo. 127 pp. Santa Mission Press.

The English and Scottish Popular Ballads. Edited by Francis J. Child. Part VIII. Royal 8vo. pp. 255-525. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co.

Contents: 226. Lizie Lindsay. 227. Bonny Lizie Bailie. 228. Glasgow Peggie. 229. Earl Crawford. 230. The Slaughter of the Laird of Meller- stain. 231. The Earl of Erroll. 232. Richie Story. 233. Andrew Lammie. 234. Charlie MacPherson. 235. The Earl of Aboyne. 236. The Laird o'Drum. 237. The Duke of Gordon's Daughter. 238. Glenlogie. 239. Lord Saltoun and Auchanachie. 240. The rantin' Laddie. 241. The Baron o' Leys. 242. The Coble o' Cargill. 243. James Harris (the Demon Lover).