Notes and News. 555
taken in the world of folk-lore. The large-hearted gene- rosity which places his treasures of knowledge at the dis- posal of all comers has resulted in the fact that all his works have appeared in the form of notes to other people's work. His notes were little less than monographs in little on the various tales or incidents on which he was com- menting. He was a great author who never wrote a single book.
The death has been announced of Mons. Xavier Marmier, who did good work in popularising certain branches of folk-lore ; and of Desrousseaux, the last of a class of popular singers at Lille.
Miss Roalfe Cox's volume of Cinderella variants, with an Introduction by Mr. Lang, has now been nearly all passed for press, and will form the Society's volume for 1892.
The Transactions of the Congress has now been passed for press, and will be issued to Subscribers immediately.
Covers for binding Vol. HI of Folk-Lore may be obtained on application to the publisher, Mr. David Nutt, 270, Strand.
It is particularly requested that all communications for the next number of FoLK-LoRE (whether MS. or proof) be sent to the Editor, 270, Strand, and not to his private address, on or before Feb. ist, 1893.