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562 Folk-lore Bibliography.

Waling Dijkstra : Uit Frieslands Volksleven van vroeger en later. Hugo Suringar. Afl. i. 8vo. 1892. [The first part of a work on the Folk-lore of Friesland.]

Gift (Theo.)- Fairy Tales from the Far East, illustrated by O. von Glehn. Fcp. 4to. Laurence and Bullen.

Jacobs (J.). Indian Fairy Tales. Selected and edited by J. Jacobs. Illustrated by J. D. Batten. Square 8vo. xvi, 256 pp. D. Nutt. (Pp. 227-255, Notes and References.)

Lemoine (J.). Le Folk-lore du pays Wallon. 2nd ed. 8vo. 156 pp. Gand (Vanderporten).

MacBain (A.). Gaelic Incantations. [£'.r/r. Gaelic Society of Inverness Transactions for 1891.]

Northall (G. F.). English Folk-Rhymes. Crown 8vo. vii, 365 pp. K. Paul.

O Grady (Standish Hayes). Finn and his Companions, illustrated by J. B. Yeats. i8mo. pp. 164. Fisher Unwin.

Paul (H.). Grundriss dergermanischen Philologie. Vol. ii, Abth. I, No. 7 : A. Lttndell, Skandinavische Volkspoesie {cont.) ; J. Meter, Deutsche und Niederlandische Volkspoesie ; A. Brandl, Englische Volkspoesie. Pp. 737-860. Triibner (Strass- burg). [Lundell's Scandinavian folk-literature has already been briefly noticed. Brandl's bibliographical sketch of English folk- song is accurate, and extremely sympathetic ; his sketch of the tale and riddle literature is adequate. The work of the Folk- lore Society is done justice to. Meier confines himself to a bibliography, probably the fullest to be found anywhere of works dealing with German folk-lore. In his list of collection of tales, the order should have been chronological (with an editors' names index) instead of alphabetical ; a distinction should have been made between simple children's books and collections for stu- dents ; the really important collections should have been specially commended to students, and the bad collections obelised. I would repeat once more that the real student of folk-lore will find Paul's Grundriss an indispensable literary guide. — A. N.]

Pol de St. Leonard. Les fils de Dieu et les celestes interme'diaires. i2mo. xxxvi, 252 pp. Reinwald.

The Bard of the Dimbovitza. Roumanian Folk-Songs collected from the Peasantry, by H(flene Vacaresco. Translated by Carmen S)lva and Alma Strettell. New edition. 8vo. Osgood, Mcllvain, and Co.

The Thousand and One Days. Persian Tales. Edited by Justin Huntly McCarthy. 2 vols, crown 8vo. xii, 282, 288 pp. Chatto and Windus. [Pleasant translation of Petis de la Croix' 2i%xtfakA& pastiche of the Arabian Nights. Mr. McCarthy wisely