The next number of Folk-Lore will contain, among other articles, a selection of Szekely folk-tales, a further study on Miss Cox's Cinderella, and a report by Mr. Alfred Nutt on recent research in Celtic myth and saga.
There are two Folk-lore Congresses to be held in connection with the World's Fair at Chicago : one in June, to be held in connection with Literature ; the other in September, to be associated with Anthropology. The local Chicago committee is organising the first ; the American Folk-lore Society will have much to do with the latter. It is unfortunate that the folk-lore forces are thus divided. It has been decided by the International Folk-lore Council not to interfere with either.
Mr. Joseph Jacobs is preparing a sequel to his English Fairy Tales for next Christmas. The book will be illustrated by Mr. Batten, and will be accompanied by notes, some reaching the length of an excursus, as with the three preceding volumes of the series.
It is contemplated holding the Annual Meetings of the Society in provincial cities after the manner of the British Association and the two Archaeological Societies.
Negotiations are on hand between the Folk-lore Society and the Anthropological Institute with the idea of amalgamating forces that are so near allied. An opportunity will be afforded the members of the Folk-lore Society