It is useless to do more than give a few specimens of the method and manner of this book, nor, since it is an honest but ineffectual attempt to treat a difficult subject, is it desirable to say more about it, save to warn students that they will not find their knowledge increased by reading it.
The following citations, chosen almost at hazard, are fair examples of its author's work:—
C.I.L., No. 1064 Addenda. Deo Marti tari Pirumestu. "Tares de ahd: tara ... cf. ahd: tamjan ... d'où Farnhut, tarn-kappe. Piru-mes-tumari, celui qui abuse de la poire, de pira poire, mës = missi, et ahd: tumari, histrion, comédien, aventurier."
C.I.L., xii. No. 248. L. Valerius Quartus Carpanto V.S.L.M. "Le nom celtique du dieu Carpantus me paraît deriver de car, cher, précieux, et de banneth, bennath, bennet (bénédiction): le cher bénisseur ou bienfaiteur, qui peut être difficilement un autre que Balder...."
C.I.L., xii. No. 5848. Alambrimae Seuerus Perpetui fil. exs. not.
"Une inscription celtique en honneur d'Idune de lamh main et brime correspondant au Grec βριμη colère, Alam-brima la courroucée prise par la main...."
C.I.L., vii. No. 140. Deus nodenti Silulanus, etc.
Nodentes is made the nominative = nodenter = nauðr, need, and entenðr from endjan to end. "Silulanus est sans