Convention in folk literature, 134-135 Coolkil, ruined church of, 200 Corpse-candles, Welsh superstition, 293 Cowards living as outcasts, 311 Criminal instinct of Indian races, 19 Crissa-Crossa chair, 189 Curse of St. Patrick, turning men into
wolves, 311 Cursing-stones in counties Fermanagh,
Cavan, etc., G. H. Kinahan on, 3-4 Custom, possible borrowing of, 140-141 Customs, Irish, calendar notices of,
191-197 Customs, Papuan funeral, 319
Date of origin of St. Nicholas' legends,
118-119 Death by drowning, belief current in
Great Yarmouth concerning, 14 Definition of term "convention", 134-
Derivation of the word " Nicolaus", by
Grimm, etc. , 120 Development of heroic tales, 98-99 Devil-fires, 294
Devils inhabiting an island, 306-307 Devil worshippers, 294 Diffusion (of folk tales), problem of, by
J. Jacobs, 129 et seq. Douglas, Sir George, Scottish Fairy and
Folk Tales, reviewed by E. Sidney
Hartland, 76-77 Duncan, L. Leland, Further Notes
from County Antrim, 177-209 ;
review of the Gaelic Journal, 155-
Earth eaten instead of the Sacrament by the dying, 62
Easter sepulchre in England, 5
Egil's Hofiidlausn not genuine, 105
Egil-saga, development of, analysed, 101-105
Ellis, Col. , on village communities, dis- cussed by G. L. Gomme, 56-58
Ethnographic survey, 50 et seq.
European origin of folk-tales vcrsjis foreign, 148
Evil eye, cause of, 199
Evolution theory, 149
Fcereyinga Saga, development of, 105-
106 Fairfax-Cholmely, Hugh C. , F. jottings
from Easingwold, Yorkshire, 341-342 False doctrine embodied in proverbs,
233 Fawcett, F. , on Some of the earliest
existing Races of the Plains of South
India, 18-38 Fawkes, Guy, on south coast, Miss
C. S. Burne on, 38-40 Field, Edward, on "Tommy on thetub'b
grave", 292
Fire-o' -stones, by Nora Hopper, 282
Folk-lore items from Cesky Lid, 81-82,
343-344 Folk-lore items from North-Indian
Notes and Queries, by W, H. D.
Rouse, 279-282, 344-351 Folk-lore jottings from the Western
counties, by G. H. Skipworth, 339 Folk-lore, ' lateral' and 'vertical' spread
of, 140-146 Folk-lore, le, de Lesbos, par G. Geor-
geakis et L^on Pineau, reviewed by
E. Sidney Hartland, 329-330 Folk-lore, scraps of, from Berkshire,
336 Folk-lore Society, officers and members
of the, xi-xx Folk-lore Society, Transactions of the,
1-2, 14-40, 43-69, 107-120, 128-149,
210-272 Folk-tales to be studied by literary
versus anthropological methods, 130 Folk-tales as element of anthropology,
14s Folk tales, if modern, "jZ-jg Eraser, J. G. , on " Tommy on the tub's
grave", 290-292 Funeral, child, in Mexico, 62 Funeral custom, Papuan, 319 Further notes from county Leitrim,
by Leland L. Duncan, 177-209
Gaelic Journal, Review of, by Leland
L. Duncan, 155-157 Games of Masock and Mattoo, Mrs.
Murray Aynsley on, 40-42 Georgian Folk-tales, translated by
Margery Wardrop, reviewed by E.
Sidney Hartland, 326-328 Gerish, W. B., St. Valentine's Day
custom at Northrepps, 3 ; East
Anglian harvest custom, 167-169 German form of St. Nicholas cult, 115 Ghostly lights in Mysore, 295 Ghostly lights, by M. J. Walhouse,
293-299 Ghost ship sailing in the air, 312 Ghost and spirit stories of Ireland, 179-
Goats, sacrifice of, 37
Gomme, G. L. , Annual Address as President, 43-69. (Relation of myth to fact ; discussion of tribal organisa- tion in India and archaic Britain; village community and tribal com- munity ; early appeara,nce of agricul- tural stage in development of human society ; folk-religions and culture- religions ; folk-tales and literature)
Grateful dead, incident in IValewein, 127
Graves of heroes emitting flames, 295
Greenland, outcasts in, 55
Gunpowder, knov.n to early races, 26