III. Split Ash-Sapling and Model in Taunton Museum ..... To face page 306
IV. The Horn Dance, Abbot's Bromley, Staffordshire .... „ 382
V. Horns used in the Horn Dance . . ,, 382
VI. The Hobby Horse used in the Horn Dance „ 384
VII. Bow and Arrow and Money Ladle used in the Horn Dance ... „ 384
Page 143, line 27, for (Greek characters) read (Greek characters)
Page 144, line 31, and last line, for Mary read Marina.
Page 146, line 26, for holly read bay-leaves.
Page 146, last line but one, for faithfulness read fruitfulness.
Page 147, line 3, for (Greek characters) read (Greek characters).
Page 149, line 7, for an ivy twig read a twig of bay.
Page 197, line 19, for Field read Fjeld
Page 317, line 25, for Moguis read Moquis.