Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 7, 1896.djvu/107

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Jacobs (J.) Jewish Ideals and other Essays. Demy 8vo. xviii., 242 pages. D. Nutt, 1896.
[Contains inter alia: The Jewish diffusion of folktales. Little St. Hugh of Lincoln, researches in history, archaeology, and legend.]
Lidzbarski (M.). Geschichten und Lieder aus den neu-aramäischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. Weimar: E. Felber.
Marillier (L.). La Survivance del' Âme et l'Idée de Justice chez les Peuples non-civilisés. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1894. [An excellent specimen of French lucidity and method, interesting to read and useful for reference.]
Meringer (R.). Studien zur germanischen Volkskunde. iii. Der Hausrath des oberdeutschen Hauses. Vienna: Holder.
Nigra (C.) e Orsi (D.). La Passione in Canavese publicata e commentata. Turin: Roux Frassati & Co.
Pitré (G.). Medicina Popolare Siciliana. [Bibl. delle Trad. Pop. Sicil., vol. xix.] Turin: C. Clausen, 1896.
Speyer (J. S.). The Gâtakamâlâ, or Garland of Birth-Stories by Ârya Sûra, translated from the Sanskrit. [Sacred Books of the Buddhists, translated by various Oriental Scholars, and edited by F. Max Müller. Vol. i.] Oxford University Press.
Teirlinck (J.). Le Folklore Flamand. Folklore Mythologique. Brussels: C. Rozez.
Voges (T.). Sagen aus dem Lande Braunschweig. Brunswick: Gœritz.
Wood-Martin (W. G.). Pagan Ireland: an Archæological Sketch. A Handbook of Irish Pre-Christian Antiquities. Longmans, Green, and Co.



Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archæology, xvii, 6 and 7. P. Le Page Renouf, The Book of the Dead, chap. 125. Miss M. A. Murray, The Descent of Property in the Early Periods