vi Officers and Members.
Go-wland, T., Esq., Altona Lodf^o, Ilarlesden, N.W.
Green. Frank, Esq., Filstone, Addiscombe Grove, Croydon {Auditor').
Green, Miss Marian, Girls' High School, Blackburn.
Greeven, II., i:sq., B.C.S., 164, Camberwell Grove, Denmark Hill, S.E.
Gregor, Rev "Walter, M.A., LL.D., Lauder Villa, Bonnyrigg, Midlothian,
N.B. Gregory, H. E., Esq., Boarzell, Hawkhnrst, Sussex. Greig, Andrew, Esq., 36, Belmont Gardens, Hillhead, Glasgow. Grierson. Geo. A., Esq., Howrah, E.I.K., Bengal. Grierson, W. J., Esq., Altona Lodge, Ilarlesden, N.W. Grimser, ^liss Grace, Stoke Lodge, Ipswich. Grove, Miss Florence, 12, Milton Chambers, Chcyne Walk, S.W. Grove, !Mrs. Lilly, -t. ^Market Hill. Cambridge. Guildhall Library, E.C. Gutch, :Mrs., Holgate Lodge, York. Guyot, Mons. Yves, Depute, 9,5, Rue de Seine, Paris. GwjTine, James E. A., Esq., F.S.A., 97, Harley Street, W.
Haddon, Prof., A. C, M.A., IM.R.LA., F.L.S., Inisfail, Hills Road, Cam- bridge.
Hannah, R., Esq., 82, Addison Road, Kensington, "W.
Hardy, G. F., Esq., 12, W^iterloo Place, S.W.
Han-is, Miss Emily, 9, Queen Square, Bloomsbury, W.C.
Harrison and Sons, Messrs., .59, Pall Mall, S.W.
Hartland, E. Sidney, Esq., F.S.A., Highgarth, Gloucester.
Hartland, J. Cole, Esq., care of Messrs. Hunt and Co., Yokohama, Japan.
Harvard College Library, per Kegan Paul and Co., Ld., Charing Cross Road, W.C.
Herbertson, John T.. Esq., Port Dundas, Glasgow.
Hervey, D. F. A., Esq., The Residency. Malacca, per H. S. King & Co.
Hewitt, J. F., Esq., Devoke Lodge, Walton-on-Thames.
Higgens, T. W. E., Esq., 1, Edith Terrace, Chelsea, S.W.
Hinuber, Miss, ,S4, Linden Road, Bedford. C. Hodgkin, John, Esq., 12, Dynevor Road, Richmond, S.W.
Hoepli, Ulrico, Libraio, Bella Real Casa. Milan.
Holland, Clive, Esq., Eastbury, Bournemouth.
Howard, David, Esq., Devon House, Buckhurst Hill, Essex.
Hurlburt, Theodore D., Esq., 104, Hicks Street, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
Hussey, A., Esq., "Wingeham, near Dover.
Hutchinson, Dr. Jonathan, F.R.S., 15, Cavendish Square, W.
India Office Library, Whitehall, S.W\, per C. H. Tawney, Esq,