Officers and Members, ix
Munich Royal Library, per Asher and Co., \^, Bedford Street, W.C. Murray- Aynslej-, Mrs. J. C, Great Brampton, Ilei-eford. Musters, Mrs. Chaworth, Wiverton Hall, Bingham, Notts.
Naake, J. T., Esq., Library, British Museum, W.C.
National Library of Ireland, per Hodges, Figgis, and Co., 104, Grafton
Street, Dublin. C. Nesfield, J. P., Esq., Stratton House, 2, Madley Road, Ealing.
Newberry Library, Chicago, per B. F. Stevens, 4, Trafalgar Square, W.C.
Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
New Jersey, The College of, Princeton, N. J., U.S.A., per E. C. Osborn
Esq. , Treasurer. New York, College of the City of, per G. E. Stechert, .30, Wellington
Street, Strand, W.C. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, per G. E Stechert, 30, Wellino--
ton Street, Strand, W.C. New York State Library, per G. E. Stechert, 30, Wellington Street, Strand,
W.C. Nicholson, C. N., Esq., 35, Harrington Gardens, S.W, Nicholson, Mrs. Lothian, 77, Belgrave Road, S.W. Ninnis, Belgrave, Esq., M.D., F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., Brockenhurst, Aldringtou
Road, Streatham, S.W. Nottingham Free Public Library. Nutt, Alfred, Esq., 270, Strand, W.C.
Oldfield, Capt. F. H., R.E., Scottish Conservative Club, Edinburgh. Olrik, Axel, Esq., Sortedamsgade, 11, Copenhagen, Denmark. Ordish, T. F., Esq., F.S.A., 11, Stafford Street, N.W. Owen, Rev. Elias, M.A., Llanyblodwel Vicarage, Oswestry. Owen, Miss Mary A., 306, North Ninth Street, St. Joseph, Missouri, U.S.A.
Paget, Lady, 5, Hyde Park Mansions, N.W. C. Paris, M. Gaston, Membre de I'Institut, 2, Rue Pommereu. Passy, Paris. Paton, W. R., Esq., Mytilene, via British Post Office, Constantinople,
Turkey. Paul Kegan, Trench, Triibner, & Co., Ld., Messrs. (American Dept.),
Charing Cross Road, W.C. (2 copies). Payne, Mrs. George, The Precincts, Rochester. Peabody Institute, Baltimore, U.S.A., per E. G. Allen, Esq., 28, Henrietta
Street, W.C. Peacock, E., Esq., F.S.A., Dunstan House, Kirton-in-Lindsey. Peorio, Public Library of, per G. E. Stechert, Esq., 30, Wellington Street,
Strand, W.C.