Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 7, 1896.djvu/122

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Officers and Members.

Traherne, G. M., Esq., Coedriglan, Cardiff.

Travancore, His Highness the Mahárájáh of, Huzier, Cutcherry, Trevandrum, per P. Macfadyen and Co., Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C.

Turnbull, A. H., Esq., Elibank, Wellington, New Zealand, per A. L. Elder and Co., 7, St. Helen's Place, E.C.

Tylor, Professor E. B., LL.D., F.K.S., The Museum House, Oxford (Vice-President).

Udal, J. S., Esq., Attorney-General, Fiji Islands, per Messrs. Lovell, Son, and Pitfield, 3, Gray's Inn Square, W.C.

Voss' Sortiment (G. Haessler), Leipzig.

Walhouse, M. J., Esq., 28, Hamilton Terrace, St. John's Wood, N.W.

Walker, J. S. E., Esq., Portree House, Isle of Skye, N.B.

Walker, Dr. Robert, Budleigh-Salterton, Deyon, per E. W. Watson, Esq., 22, Highbury New Park, N.

Walpole, H., Esq., India Office, Whitehall, S.W.

Wardrop, Miss Marjory, British Vice-Consulate, Kertch, Crimea, Russia.

Watkinson Library, Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A., per E. G. Allen. 28, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.

Westermann and Co., Messrs., 812, Broadway, New York, U.S.A., per H. Greyel and Co., 33, King Street, Covent Garden, W.C. (2 copies).

Wheatley, Henry B., Esq., F.S.A., 2, Oppidans Road, Primrose Hill, N.W.

White, George, Esq., Ashley House, Epsom.

Williams, A. M., Esq., 41, Whitmarsh Street, Providence, R.I., U.S.A.

Williamson, Rev. Charles A., 14, Upper ]Mount St., Dublin.

Wilson, R. H., Esq., 23, Cromwell Crescent, S.W.

Windle, Professor B. C. A., M.D., D.Sc, M.A., Dean of Queen's Faculty of Medicine, Mason College, Birmingham.

c. Wissendorff, H., St. Petersburg.

Wohlleben, Th., Esq., 4.5, Great Russell Street, W.C.

Woman's Anthropological Society, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., care of Mrs. M. P. Seaman, 1424, Eleventh Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Wood, Alexander, Esq., Thomly, Saltcoats, N.B.

Woodall, E., Esq., Wingthorpe, Oswestry.

Worcester Free Public Library, Mass., U.S.A., per Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, and Co., Ld.

Wright, A. R., Esq., H.M. Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, W.C.

Wright, W. Aldis, Esq., M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge.

Wurtzburg, J. H., Esq., Clavering, 2, De Greys Road, Leeds.

Yeo, Robert F., Esq., Royal Naval Hospital, Chatham.