Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 8, 1897.djvu/408

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372 Reviews.

definitely with the agricultural stage of culture, and has no occasion to postulate a shock of races varying in capacity and attainment. He thus falls into line with those who look upon European culture as an example of evolution rather than a series of revolutionary contacts with non-European civilisations. It is significant in this connection that he finds his traces of matriarchalism chiefly among the Teutonic-speaking members of the Aryan group ; the Teutons were the last to emigrate of the great sections of the Aryan family, and if my conjecture is right ^ that the transition from matriarchalism to patriarchalism was effected during the migra- tion period with its attendant combats, when the skill of woman became of less importance than the strength of man, it is amongst them that matriarchal survivals should be the most numerous.

The final essay, on the German Passion Play, is of equal im- portance for a rightful understanding of the evolution of European culture. The assimilation and transformation of the intrusive Christian element under the pressure of the older native folk- conceptions is shown in masterly fashion. Not less remarkable than the wide and minute learning is the author's intense sym- pathy for the medieval folk-spirit.

I have not essayed to criticise Professor Pearson's work. It seemed to me more important to direct emphatic attention to its interest and value. I would fain express a hope that the author has not entirely relinquished his folklore studies, and that he will continue them in conjunction with this Society, thereby increasing the chances of effectually influencing the course of research, and also, by subjecting himself to expert criticism, of further raising the already high level of his work.

Alfred Nutt.

The Miracles of Madame Saint Katherine of Fierbois


BouRASS^, Tours, 1858. By Andrew Lang. Chicago: Way and Williams. London : David Nutt, 1897.

Mr. Lang seems to have been attracted to the interesting little book, the greater part of which he has here translated, partly by its connection with Joan of Arc, and partly by its manifestation

' Voyage of B rati, vol. ii.