Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 8, 1897.djvu/451

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Hobthirst or Hob-Thrust, the, 68 rioho-zen, twin pots in Bo worship,

353 Holger the Dane, his charmed sleep,

^97 . . .

Hohie festival similar to those in

Oxfordshire, 316 Holy Coat of Treves, in Orendel

tale, 289, 298 Holy medals baffled, 7 Holy Sepulchre, and its queen, 291 Holy spots how consecrated, 325 Holy Week, Italian witches powerless

during, 8, Observance in the Abruzzi,

by Antonio de Nino, 374 Homer quoted, on risk of beholding

the gods, 344, on urn burial 350,

on the imprisonment of Ares, 349,

351, 354, on length of the Greek

year, 354 Homeric tales, parallels in modern

Greek folklore, 276 Honey, a mystic substance, 275, 329,


Hood Game, The, at Haxey, Lincoln- shire, by Mabel Peacock, 72, by J. M. Mackinlay, 173

Hord the swineherd, a ' helper,'

305 .

Hornbill, folklore of, 90

Horn-dance in Staffordshire, ana- logues and suggested explanation, by Mabel Peacock, 70

Horns, {see Antlers) to avert witch- craft, 8

Horse, burial of the dead, at sea, 281, of the buried king, 253, connected with Aphrodite, 264, sacrifice, a suggestion, 71

Horse-shoes used to avert witchcraft, 8, 18

Horvendillus, father of Hamlet, analogy with Orendel, 290

Houseleek, cure for sore eyes, 388

Hrungnir, with the stone heart, 333

Humerus of a priest in witchcraft, 4,

Hunchbacks in relation to witchcraft,

2,3 Hundmg, 304, 305 Hungary, folklore of, falling stars,

203 Hungry gazer injurious to plantations,

II Hunting-rights in the neighbourhood

of Wychwood Forest, 310, 312 Huntsman, Black, of Dartmoor,


Huon of Bordeaux tale, 37, 38, in

relation to Orendel, 299 ' Hurlers, the,' Druidic stones in

Cornwall, 73 Hurling in Cornwall, 72 Hydra, three-headed, a, 275 Hydria, Egyptian sacred water-jar,

353 Hydrophobia, cures for, 387 Hymns, in Babylonian ritual, 357,

358, in Indian ritual, 328

Iceland, folklore of, {see Snorri) 178, 199, 290, 301, 302, 303, in relation to Gaelic and Dutch 306

Idolatry, the underlying principles of,

325 Idols {see Binding of a God, Chained Images,^Gods, Images) Binding of, 340, 341, 342, Development of, 325, 326, 349, Idol and deity, identity of, how induced, 327, 334, how desecrated, 335, powers of volition and motion conferred by identity, 335> 336, 337, Idol-making, in China, 335, in India, early, 327- 329, _ 332, modern, 329-333, in Mexico, 333, worship in Ceylon, 337, in Dahome, Greece, India, Egypt, Germany, 335, 336, 337, chinks in pedestals to be closed and why, 328, deciding their place of abode, 336, 338, falling, maimed, and deformed, 341, lent, instances,

337, most valuable when stolen, 355, once set up not to be moved,

338, shown once a year, 354, or at stated intervals, 355

Iliad, the, {see Homer) 327, 344, 340,

350, 351, 354 Image du Monde, cited, 291 Image-daubing, agricultural ritual,

262 Images as dwelling for souls of the dead, 334, carried in processions, 333, underlying idea, 337, 355, concealed or imprisoned, 344-355 Immortals wronged by men, 349 Imprecations, Attic, 361 Inanimate objects cursed, 362 Incantations, {see Ritual), of witches, 2-9, to Merodach for health, 357, to dislodge an evil spirit, 358, difference between European and Babylonian, 358 India {see Binding of a God ; Brah- ma; Brahmans ; Buddha; Budd-