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Annual Report of the Council.

not enrol an ever-increasing number of new members and subscribers.

The amount received in subscriptions during the year was £372 15s. 0d., £14 less than in 1918, owing to the larger number of subscriptions in arrear. Interest on investments amounted to £32 12s. 8d., and the income of the Society from all sources to £467 8s. 7d. Folk-Lore cost £243 0s. 3d., and other expenses amounted to £151 16s. 2d. There has, therefore, been a slight improvement in the financial position of the Society, but the balance available is at present insufficient to meet the cost of an additional volume.

Meetings of the Society have been held as follows:—

15th January. "The Chinese Isles of the Blest." Major Perceval Yetts.

19th February. Annual Meeting and Presidential Address.

19th March. "Some Magical Applications of Brooms in Japan." Dr. Hildburgh.

16th April. "Customs connected with Death and Burial among the Rumanians." Mrs. A. Murgoçi.

21st May. "The Folklore of the North Sea Fishermen in Peace and War." Mr. E. Lovett.

18th June. "Festival and Ceremonial Customs in Afghanistan." Mr. Ikbal Ali Shah.

19th November. "Soul Substance in Oceania." Dr. Rivers.

17th December. "Rumanian Charms and Conjurations." Dr. Caster.

Mrs. Murgoçi's paper was profusely illustrated by lantern slides and elicited an interesting discussion.

The Council still have to regret that so few objects of folk-lore interest are exhibited at the meetings of the Society, and venture once more to express the hope that members and friends will not hesitate to bring to the meetings any objects of interest they may possess illustrative of the papers announced to be read, and that they will communicate to Mr. Carline, Secretary of the Exhibits Committee, a list of other objects they are willing to show at a convenient opportunity.

The late Dr. R. C. Maclagan has bequeathed to the Society his collection of folk-lore MSS., which is now housed with