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Minutes of Meetings.



The President (Dr. A. C. Haddon) in the Chair.

The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and confirmed.

The Forty-Second Annual Report of the Council, with the Cash Account and Balance Sheet for the year 1920, duly audited, were presented to the meeting, and on the motion of Dr. Gaster, seconded by His Honour J. S. Udal, it was Resolved that the same be received and adopted, with the addition in the last paragraph but one of the words “or 21s. per six volumes,” after the words “4s. per volume.”

On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr. Tabor, the following were duly elected to hold office for the ensuing year, the name of Mr. Geo. Whale being substituted for that of Sir Everard im Thurn, who had expressed the wish that his name should be withdrawn from the list as he was leaving London and would be unable to attend the meetings of the Council:

As PresidentW. H. R. Rivers, M.D., F.R.S.

As Vice-Presidents—The Rt. Hon. Lord Abercromby, Sir E. W. Brabrook, C.B., V.P.S.A., Miss Charlotte S. Burne, Edward Clodd, W. Crooke, C.I.E., D.Sc, Sir J. G. Frazer, D.C.L., LL.D., etc., M. Gaster, Ph.D., A. C. Haddon, D.Sc, F.R.S., etc., E. S. Hartland, F.S.A., LL.D., R. R. Marett, D.Sc, W. H. D. Rouse, Litt.D., The Rev. Professor A. H. Sayce, M.A., LL.D., D.D.S., A. R. Wright, F.S.A.

As Members of Council—Mrs. M. M. Banks, G. R. Carline, E. K. Chambers, M. Longworth Dames, A. Allan Gomme, Lady Gomme, P. J. Heather, W. L. Hildburgh, M.A., Ph.D., T. C. Hodson, Miss Eleanor Hull, Rev. E. O. James, B.Litt., F.R.A.I., F.G.S., E. Lovett, Miss Moutray Read,