Page:Folks from Dixie (1898).pdf/294

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it, a couple o' nice hosses, a cow an' ha'f a dozen of de fines' hogs in Miltonville—"

"An' all o' dem mine!" thundered the voice of the form, striding into the middle of the room.

Miss Callena shrieked. Alonzo had been about falling on his knees, but he assumed an erect position with an alacrity that would have done credit to a gymnast.

"Co'se, of co'se, Mistah Dunkin! I was jes' a-comin' to dat!"

"I jes' come down fu' feah you'd fu'git to tell Miss Callena who all dem things 'longed to, an' who's a-layin' dem at huh feet," said Mr. Dunkin.

"I 'low Miss Callena unnerstan' dat," said Mr. Taft, bobbing his head sheepishly.

"I don't remember that Mr. Taft explained. this before," said Miss Johnson, turning coldly from him. Do have a seat, dear Mr. Dunkin."

Alonzo saw with grief that the idol of his heart had transferred her affectionate smiles to the rightful owner of the other property that had been in question. He made his stay short, leaving Mr. Dunkin in undisputed possession of the field.