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pretty nearly every part of the globe you can think of. Tabulated, these varieties of religion make a remarkable show. One would have to go far to find its match. I copy here this cosmopolitan curiosity, and it comes from the published census:
Church of England, | 89,271 | Society of Friends, | 100 |
Roman Catholic, | 47,179 | Salvation Army, | 4,356 |
Wesleyan, | 49,159 | New Jerusalem Church, | 168 |
Lutheran, | 23,328 | Jews, | 840 |
Presbyterian, | 18,206 | Protestants (undefined), | 5,532 |
Congregationalist, | 11,882 | Mohammedans, | 299 |
Bible Christian, | 15,762 | Confucians, etc.,, | 3,884 |
Primitive Methodist, | 11,654 | Other religions, | 1,719 |
Baptist, | 17,547 | Object, | 6,940 |
Christian Brethren, | 465 | Not stated, | 8,046 |
Methodist New Connexion, | 39 | ||
Unitarian, | 688 | Total, | 320,431 |
Church of Christ, | 3,367 |
The item in the above list "Other religions" includes the following as returned:
Agnostics, | 50 | Memnonists, | 1 |
Atheists, | 22 | Moravians, | 139 |
Believers in Christ, | 4 | Mormons, | 4 |
Buddhists, | 52 | Naturalists, | 2 |
Calvinists, | 46 | Orthodox, | 4 |
Christadelphians, | 134 | Others (indefinite), | 17 |
Christians, | 308 | Pagans, | 20 |
Christ's Chapel, | 9 | Pantheists, | 3 |
Christian Israelites, | 2 | Plymouth Brethren, | 111 |
Christian Socialists, | 6 | Rationalists, | 4 |
Church of God, | 6 | Reformers, | 7 |
Cosmopolitans, | 3 | Secularists, | 12 |
Deists, | 14 | Seventh-day Adventists, | 203 |
Evangelists, | 60 | Shaker, | 1 |
Exclusive Brethren, | 8 | Shintoists, | 24 |
Free Church, | 21 | Spiritualists, | 37 |
Free Methodists, | 5 | Theosophists, | 9 |
Freethinkers, | 258 | Town (City) Mission, | 16 |
Followers of Christ, | 8 | Welsh Church, | 27 |
Gospel Meetings, | 11 | Huguenot, | 2 |
Greek Church, | 44 | Hussite, | 1 |
Infidels, | 9 | Zoroastrians, | 2 |
Maronites, | 2 | Zwinglian, | 1 |