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Page:Following the Equator (Mark Twain).djvu/190

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pretty nearly every part of the globe you can think of. Tabulated, these varieties of religion make a remarkable show. One would have to go far to find its match. I copy here this cosmopolitan curiosity, and it comes from the published census:

Church of England, 89,271 Society of Friends, 100
Roman Catholic, 47,179 Salvation Army, 4,356
Wesleyan, 49,159 New Jerusalem Church, 168
Lutheran, 23,328 Jews, 840
Presbyterian, 18,206 Protestants (undefined), 5,532
Congregationalist, 11,882 Mohammedans, 299
Bible Christian, 15,762 Confucians, etc.,, 3,884
Primitive Methodist, 11,654 Other religions, 1,719
Baptist, 17,547 Object, 6,940
Christian Brethren, 465 Not stated, 8,046
Methodist New Connexion, 39
Unitarian, 688 Total, 320,431
Church of Christ, 3,367

The item in the above list "Other religions" includes the following as returned:

Agnostics, 50 Memnonists, 1
Atheists, 22 Moravians, 139
Believers in Christ, 4 Mormons, 4
Buddhists, 52 Naturalists, 2
Calvinists, 46 Orthodox, 4
Christadelphians, 134 Others (indefinite), 17
Christians, 308 Pagans, 20
Christ's Chapel, 9 Pantheists, 3
Christian Israelites, 2 Plymouth Brethren, 111
Christian Socialists, 6 Rationalists, 4
Church of God, 6 Reformers, 7
Cosmopolitans, 3 Secularists, 12
Deists, 14 Seventh-day Adventists, 203
Evangelists, 60 Shaker, 1
Exclusive Brethren, 8 Shintoists, 24
Free Church, 21 Spiritualists, 37
Free Methodists, 5 Theosophists, 9
Freethinkers, 258 Town (City) Mission, 16
Followers of Christ, 8 Welsh Church, 27
Gospel Meetings, 11 Huguenot, 2
Greek Church, 44 Hussite, 1
Infidels, 9 Zoroastrians, 2
Maronites, 2 Zwinglian, 1