how things ought to be managed." It is a common expression
there, "the cold weather," and the people think there is such
a thing. It is because they have lived there half a lifetime,
and their perceptions have become blunted. When a person is
accustomed to 138 in the shade, his ideas about cold weather
are not valuable. I had read, in the histories, that the June
marches made between Lucknow and Cawnpore by the British
forces in the time of the Mutiny were made in that kind of
weather—138 in the shade—and had taken it for historical
embroidery. I had read it again in Serjeant-Major Forbes-Mitchell's account of his military experiences in the Mutiny—at least I
thought I had—and in Calcutta I asked him
if it was true, and he said it was. An officer
of high rank who had been in the thick of the
Mutiny said the same. As long as those men
were talking about what they knew, they
were trustworthy, and I believed them; but
when they said it was now "cold weather," I
saw that they had traveled outside of their
sphere of knowledge and were floundering.
I believe that in India "cold weather" is
merely a conventional phrase and has come
into use through the necessity of having some
way to distinguish between weather which
will melt a brass door-knob and weather
which will only make it mushy. It was
observable that brass ones were in use while I was in Calcutta,
showing that it was not yet time to change to porcelain; I was
told the change to porcelain was not usually made until May.
But this cold weather was too warm for us; so we started to
Darjeeling, in the Himalayas—a twenty-four hour journey.
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