Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/100

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the moneys standing to the credit of the International Match Account, or the Investment Account, as they may deem necessary, for the purposes of a Benevolent Fund, and may distribute the moneys so appropriated among necessitous players and others who have rendered service to the game.[1]

21. For the transaction of business at a Council Meeting, five members shall form a quorum. The Council may fill any vacancy that occurs in their body, appoint a Secretary and such other assistance as they think fit, appoint such Committees or Commissions as they may consider necessary, delegate all or any of their powers to any such Committee or Commission of the Council, or to any affiliated Association or Associations, and make such regulations for the management of the Association and control of the game as from time to time may be necessary. Resolutions and decisions of the Council shall be binding upon all affiliated Associations and Clubs and all members thereof, until they are rescinded or varied by the vote of a majority present and voting at a General Meeting.

22. Associations, Leagues, or other Combinations of Clubs shall not be formed without the consent of this Association, or of an affiliated Association.[2] All applications for formation shall be made on form D. All Associations, Leagues, or other Combinations of Clubs shall observe the Rules, Regulations, and Bye-laws of this Association. Associations or Clubs belonging to this or an affiliated Association shall not play against any Association or Club belonging to any Association, League, or Combination of Clubs to which such consent has not been given.

23. Charity Associations or Benefit Competitions shall not be formed without the consent of this Association or of an affiliated Association. All applications for formation shall be made on form E. All Charity Associations or Benefit Competitions shall observe the Rules, Regulations, and Bye-laws of this Association. Associations or Clubs belonging to this or an affiliated Association shall not play or take part in any Charity Association or Benefit Competition to which consent has not been given.

24. This Association, or any affiliated Association, shall have power to prohibit the Clubs under its jurisdiction from

  1. All applications for a grant under this Rule must be made to the Council upon the printed form issued by the Association.
  2. Regulations and Bye-laws for the sanction and control of all Leagues and Competitions are issued by the Association.