Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/104

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to any player shall be £4 per week or £208 per annum, but this restriction shall not apply to any payment made by this Association in respect of any of its matches.[1] The payment of bonuses dependent on the result of any match shall not be allowed. A player may be allowed a benefit (1) after five years' service with a Club, (2) in case of accident or illness, or (3) when he is giving up playing. A player shall not be entitled to a second benefit within five years of the previous benefit. The consent of the Council of this Association must be obtained before a player is promised or receives a benefit.[2]

33. The Council shall, subject to these Rules, have power to cancel the registration of a professional at any time upon application of the player, or of his Club, or may transfer him from one Club to another.[3] A professional transferred must be re-registered by the Club to which he is transferred. The Council shall also have power to re-instate as an amateur any professional. All applications for re-instatement must be made on the Form to be supplied by the Secretary of this Association marked K in the Schedule annexed to these Rules, and, except in the case of a professional joining the Army, must be sent to the Secretary between the 1st and 31st of May in each year, and the Council will decide upon the same. A professional joining the Army may be re-instated immediately on application, but shall not be again registered as a professional until the expiration of two years from the date of his re-instatement; neither, during that period, shall he play as an amateur for any Club except an Army Club.

34, All agreements between Clubs and professional players must be in writing, and signed within seven days of the player signing the registration form.[4] Except by mutual consent no Club or player shall be entitled to determine the agreement

  1. If a player is engaged for the full period of 12 months, the £208 may be paid to him in any proportion that may be mutually agreed upon between the Club and the player. If a player is not engaged for the full period of 12 months, he must not be paid at a rate exceeding £4 a week during the term of his engagement.
  2. No player (except under provisions of Rule 29) is entitled to take the proceeds of a benefit match until he has been registered as a professional.
  3. The Council will require to be satisfied that the transfer of players is bonâ fide and applications for the purpose of obtaining players for special matches will not be acceded to.
  4. It is not permissible for a provisional agreement to be entered into between Clubs and their professional players.