Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/118

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6. A player shall not in the same season play for more than one competing Club, but the members of each respective team may be changed during the series of matches. In the preliminary and the first and second rounds of the Qualifying Competition, it is not necessary for a player to possess any other qualification than that required by the rules of the Association. Except in the preliminary and the first and second rounds of the Qualifying Competition^ a player must have been a recognised playing member of his Club for at least fourteen days previous to the date fixed for playing the match. A playing member is one who has either actually played for his Club in the current season, or who has, in writing, intimated to the Secretary of the Association that he is a playing member of that Club. The Secretary shall, in writing, acknowledge the receipt of every such intimation. A player qualified to play in any round, shall be deemed qualified to play in any subsequent round by virtue of his original qualification. In the case of postponed, drawn, or re-played matches, only those players shall be allowed to play who were eligible on the date fixed for the completion of the round in which the match was originally played.[1]

7. Every Club playing in the Competition proper shall, not less than five days before the match, send to the opposing Club a list of players from which the team for such match will be selected; and no objection to the qualification of any player mentioned in such list shall be entertained, unless notice of objection, stating particulars, is given at least twenty-four hours before the commencement of the match. In the case of a postponed, drawn, or re-played match, the above periods of time shall be observed so far as circumstances will permit. Lists and objections must be sent by registered letter.

8. If the Council have any doubt as to the qualification of any player taking part in this competition, they shall have power to call upon such player, or the Club to which he belongs, or for which he played, to prove that he is qualified according to the Rules, and failing satisfactory proof the Council may disqualify such player, and may remove the Club from the competition, or impose such other penalty as they may think fit. Any Club making a frivolous objection will be liable to removal from the Competition.

9. The Council shall have the power to disqualify any competing Club, or player, or players for any competing Club, who

  1. A player who has been suspended may play in postponed, drawn, or re-played Ties after the term of his suspension has expired.