Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/131

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or interpretation of the Rules, or any dispute or protest whatever, shall be referred to the Council, whose decision shall be final and binding on both Clubs. Every protest must be made in writing, and must contain the particulars of the grounds upon which it is founded. Two copies of the protest must be lodged with the Association, accompanied by a fee of two guineas, within two days of the match to which it relates (Sundays not included). The fee shall be forfeited to the Association in the event of the protest not being sustained. The Council may order any Club engaged in a dispute or protest to pay such sum as may be considered necessary towards defraying the expenses incurred. Any protest relating to the ground, goal posts, or bars, or other appurtenances of the game, shall not be entertained by the Council, unless an objection has been lodged with the Referee before the commencement of the match. The Referee shall require the responsible Club to remove the cause of objection, if this is possible without unduly delaying the progress of the match. When an objection has been lodged with the Referee, a protest must be made to the Association, and no objection or protest shall be withdrawn except by leave of the Council.

27. The Secretary of the Association shall send a copy of the protest and particulars to the Club protested against. Each Club may support its case by witnesses. If a member of the Council is connected with a Club concerned in a dispute or protest, he shall not sit on the Council while the dispute or protest is being considered. Neither Barrister nor Solicitor shall represent a Club at the hearing of a dispute or protest, unless he be the Secretary of the Club concerned, and appear as such in the printed list of Secretaries in the Official Rule Book.

28. The proceeds of matches (except re-played matches in consequence of a breach of Rule, and Semi-final and Final Ties) shall be equally divided between the competing Clubs, after paying thereout the advertising, ground, and other expenses of the match, and third-class railway fares of the eleven players of the visiting Club. In cases where the receipts are not sufficient to cover the entire expenses of the match, the fees and travelling expenses of the officials shall be a first charge upon the receipts, after payment of which the residue of the receipts shall be applied pro rata in payment of the railway fares of the visiting team and the ground and other expenses.[1]

  1. Ground and other expenses are printing, posting, advertising and police charges. The railway fares of the visiting team to be allowed