Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/66

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place, the best measures for filling to the best advantage the various positions the players under his command will have to occupy, and secondly, the duties each will have to carry out to make the combination effective. For the better comprehension of these two matters, it will be most convenient, as well as, I think, more useful, to the beginner at all events, to subdivide the attack and the defence, with a view to a fuller explanation of the different responsibilities.



The theory of forward play is, of course, to make the attack as powerful as it can possibly be without placing any undue stress on any particular part, or giving more than his fair share of the work to any individual member. The ruling principle must be a system of co-operation between the five players to produce the most effective possible working. The wings should be carefully selected with regard to their special qualifications to play outside or inside; and it is hardly necessary to add that there are special qualifications in each case in the shape of a left-footed player for the left wing, and vice versâ; of fleetness of foot for the outer place, and suchlike. It is essential that there should be a thorough understanding between the five; otherwise much of the labour is wasted. To ensure an approach to perfection, the passing must be on a definite principle, and one in which the wings and the centre are thoroughly in accord. On this "hang," indeed, "the law and the prophets."

Something more than mere unselfishness, I may point out, is requisite to be of real use. A forward may be the very