Page:Foreign Economic Espionage in Cyberspace.pdf/9

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China's Strategic Goals

Non-Traditional Collectors China uses individuals for whom science or business is their primary profession to target and acquire US technology.
Joint Ventures (JV) China uses JVs to acquire technology and technical know-how.
Research partnerships China actively seeks partnerships with government laboratories-such as the Department of Energy labs-to learn about and acquire specific technology, and the soft skills necessary to run such facilities.
Academic Collaborations China uses collaborations and relationships with universities to acquire specific research and gain access to high-end research equipment. Its policies state it should exploit the openness of academia to fill China’s strategic gaps.
S&T Investments China has sustained, long-term state investments in its S&T infrastructure.
M&A China seeks to buy companies that have technology, facilities and people. These sometimes end up as Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) cases.
Front Companies China uses front companies to obscure the hand of the Chinese government and acquire export controlled technology.
Talent Recruitment Programs China uses its talent recruitment programs to find foreign experts to return to China and work on key strategic programs.
Intelligence Services The Ministry of State Security (MSS), and military intelligence offices are used in China’s technology acquisition efforts.
Legal and Regulatory Environment China uses its laws and regulations to disadvantage foreign companies and advantage its own companies.