Page:Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act 2021.pdf/62

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NO. 28 OF 2021

Access blocking direction—content and preconditions

33.—(1) An access blocking direction may be a Class 1 access blocking direction or a Class 2 access blocking direction.

(2) An access blocking direction may require a provider of an internet access service to whom the direction is given to take all reasonable steps, within or during the time specified in the direction, to disable access, using the internet access service, by every end-user in Singapore to the covered information or material in the direction and provided on or by a social media service or relevant electronic service or on a proscribed online location, as the case may be.

(3) A Class 1 access blocking direction may be given to a provider of an internet access service by means of which covered information or material continues to be published in Singapore, but only where all the following special preconditions are met:

(a) a person is given any Part 3 direction (except a technical assistance direction);
(b) the Part 3 direction in paragraph (a) is not cancelled;
(c) the covered information or material in that Part 3 direction in paragraph (a) continues to be published in Singapore after that non-compliance;
(d) one or more end-users in Singapore have used or are using the internet access service of that provider to access the covered information or material.

(4) A Class 2 access blocking direction must relate to a proscribed online location only and may be given to—

(a) a provider of an internet access service by means of which information or material on the proscribed online location continues to be published in Singapore; or
(b) a provider of a social media service or a relevant electronic service by means of which one or more end-users in Singapore have used or are using the same to access information or material on the proscribed online location,

but only where the Minister is of the opinion that all the following special preconditions are met: