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In the absence of an available online source, this poem has been transcribed from F. J.
Sypher's 'Poems from the Annuals'

Love's Signal Flower

How much there is of the heart's eloquence
In but a simple Flower!—Oh, Flowers were made
For Love's interpreters!—
L. E. L.

She flung her on his breast,
    And she wept those bitter tears
When the present is all grief,
    And the future is all fears.

And the knight's dark eye was fill'd
    With the tears he strove to quell,
Albeit too proud to show
    How much he felt farewell.

There were flowers in her hair
    Like an April diadem;
There were azure violets,
    But she took not one of them.

There too was the red rose,
    Queen of the scented hour;
But from out the sunny wreath
    She took a small blue flower.

"Be this," she sighed, "through all
    The chance that waits my lot
Our love's remembering sign—
    Keep this FORGET ME NOT."

He kiss'd the flower he took
    From the Maiden's snow-white hand:
One last low-breathed farewell,
    And the boat has left the strand.