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In a dungeon dark and deep
    A captive the Knight is laid.
Shame on the faithless slave
    Who the gallant band betrayed!

Oh worse than death to feel
    Time steal on day by day!—
To feel our youth and strength
    Passing like shadows away!

The light of the glorious sun
    Through the iron bars came dim;
It was as if it shone
    For all the earth save him.

There were but the dark walls,
    There was but the small damp court,
Which seemed as if only made
    For the newt's and bat's resort.

But one day—was it a dream?—
    He saw, mid the sullen mould,
As planted by magic, a flower
    Its small blue leaves unfold.

He knew the FORGET ME NOT:
    It was as a hope from Above;
It seemed like a messenger
    Who came to tell of his love.

That night he heard light feet,
    Like silver music's fall,
And he saw a lamp's red light
    Upon his dungeon-wall;

And he heard a gentle voice,
    Like the south wind steal on his ear;
He looked, and the phœnix Hope
    Sprang up from the ashes of Fear.

His own Maiden stood by his side—
    What will not Love essay?—
And, touching the lock of his chains,
    Whispered "Away!—away!"