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2 Fossil Butterflies

1829. Marces de Serres. Géognosie des terrains tertiaires on Tableau des principaux animunx invertubres des terrains marins tertiaires du midi de la France. IGmo. Montpellicr et Paris.

Contains a "Tableau des Arachnides et des Insectes fossiles du bassin tertiairc d'Aix (Bouches-du-Rhóne)," printed in the preceding citation, in which (p. 230; p. 107 of preceding) occurs the genus "Papilio," with the remark: "Nous citous ici, sous la foi d'autrui, un Lépidoptèra diure de la division des Satyrus," doubtless referring to Neorinopis sepulta.

Speaking of the authors who have treated of the fossils of Eningen, he says : (p. 233) " Ces divers naturalistes y out signalé des Scarabues, des Lucauus (p. 236) fort rapproches du Lucanus cervus, des Papillons," etc.

In a "Tableau général des Arachnides et des Insectes fossiles" he gives on p. 257, the following:

In the marnes calcaire of Aix he has referred already, as we have seen, to one; he previously speaks of Papillons at Eningen (see above) and may therefore place two in the second column; he quotes Sendelius as probably figuring caterpillars in amber as follows (p. 242): "Des Lépidoptères (M. Brongniart). On a cru reconnaitre des chenilles parmi les insectes du Succin figurés par Seudelius Tab. 3, fig. 28-82;" and this accounts for one in his third column; and the following passage from the section on "Insectes fossiles des terrains secondaires inféreriers, ou de transitions" (p. 246) accounts for that in the fifth column: "Il se pent que ce soit également dans des formations de la memc epoque qu'exlstent les vestiges d'insectes, d'alles de Papillons et dc Scarabées signalés par Bromel."

1835. GRavenhorst. Bericht der entomologischen Section. Uebers. d. Arbeit u. Veränd. Schlesisch. Gesellsch. Vaterl. Cultur, 1854, 92-93.

Gives a general enumeration of the collection of fossils from amber in the museum of the Konigsberg Society, specifying a few Lepldoptera.

Probably an error for Tab. 5, fig. 23a, 28b, which seems to represent a Tenuhsdinikon larva.