To sum up, method produces that smoothness which goes with strength and efficiency. Discipline is method applied to the mind. It produces that calmness which goes with power and happiness. Method is working by rule; discipline is living by rule. But working and living are not separate; they are but two aspects of character, of life.
Therefore, be orderly in work; be accurate in speech; be logical in thought. Between these and slovenliness, inaccuracy, and confusion, is the difference between success and failure, music and discord, happiness and misery.
The adoption of sound methods of working, acting, thinking,—in a word, of living, is the surest and safest foundation for sound health, sound success, sound peace of mind. The foundation of unsound methods will be found to be unstable, and to yield fear and unrest even while it appears to succeed; when failure comes, it is grievous indeed.
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