Page:Four Plays of Aeschylus (Cookson).djvu/20

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Yet, when we call, he hears—he hears though throned on high.

Ah! Mother Io, thee wroth Gods amerce:
And of the courts celestial I know
That there dwell jealous wives who hate and curse!
For waves run high when breezes stiffly blow.

[During the preceding chorus Danaus has climbed to the top of the hill.]


Children, ye must be wise and circumspect:
Remember, a wise judgment holp ye hither,
With eld for pilot, safe and fatherly,
Across unruly seas. And here on land
I will take thought for you and keep you safe,
If ye set down my words in your heart's tables.
Far off I can discern a cloud of dust,
Ever the voiceless courier of hosts,
Before the noise of wheels reacheth the ear,
When axles pipe unheard. I can distinguish
An arméd mass, with shields and tossing spears,
Horses and chariots of war recurved.
'Tis likely that the Princes of this land
Have heard of us from messengers and come
To be their own intelligencers. Whether
They mean no harm, or sharp resentment speeds
This stern array, all things concur herein;
That ye, fair daughters, make this hill your seat;
Dear is it to the gods of festival,
Pastime and sport and peaceful rivalries.
More strong than castle tower an altar stands,
A buckler inexpugnably secure.