Page:Four Scottish songs.pdf/7

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The bells they shall ring, and bonefires they shall blaze,
Rule Britannia shall be sung through country and town,
While sailors hand in hand round the can doth sing
Buonaparte got the pledge of Egypt for his wage,
And he'll ne'er forget bold Nelson at the mouth of the Nile.

Despairing Mary.

Mary, why thus waste thy youth time in sorrow?
See a' around you the flow'rs sweetly blaw;
Blythe sets the sun o'er the wild cliffs of Jura,
Blythe sings the mavis on ilka green shaw.
“How can this heart ever think mair of pleasure,
Summer may smile, but delight I ha'e nane:
Cauld in the grave lies my heart's only treasure,
Nature seems dead since my Jamie is gane.

“This 'kerchief he gave me, a true lover's token,
Dear, dear to me was the gift for his sake!
I wear't near my heart, but this poor heart is broken,
Hope died with Jamie, and left it to break.
Sighing for him, I lie down in the e'ening,
Sighing for him, I wake in the morn;
Spent are my days a' in secret repining,
Peace to this bosom can never return.