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For he called us a Highland mob,
And swore he’d slay us a’ Willie;
But we chass’d him hack to Stirling brig,
Dragoons and foot, and a’ Willie.
Up and warn a’ Willie,
Warn, warn a’;
At length we rallied on a hill,
And briskly up did draw, Willie.

But when Argyle did view our line,
And them in order saw, Willie,
He straight gaed to Dumblane again,
And back his left did draw, Willie.
Up and warn a’ Willie,
Warn, warn a’;
Then we to Auchterarder march’d,
To wait a better fa’, willie.

Now if ye speir wha wan the day,
I've tell’d ye what I saw, willie,
We baith did fight and baith were beat,
And baith did rin awa, willie.
Up and warn a’ willie,
Warn, warn a’;
For second sighted Sandy said
We’d do nae good at a’, willie.