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place between the two forementioned persons. At length, however, the guest was shown into a small parlour, a faggot was thrown on the fire, and such refreshments as the house afforded, were preparing, there being no appearance whatever of more favourable weather allowing them to depart.

As the servant maid was spreading the cloth, a visible tremor shook her frame, so that it was not without difficulty she performed her office. His lordship noticed a certain strangeness of the wholo group, but remembering to have heard his servant mention the words, “my lord,” as he alighted from his horse, he naturally imputed this to their having unexpectedly a guest in their house above the rank of those whom they were accustomed to entertain. The awkwardness of intended respect in such cases, and from such persons, will often produce these embarrassments. His lordship having now made up his mind to remain that night, supper was served ; when a most unexpected visitor made his appearance. “Good heavens!” exclaimed his lordship, “is it possible I should find my poor dog alive, and in this place?—How wonderful!—how welcome!”—He stretched out his hand to caress his long lost favourite ; but the dog, after looking earnestly at his ancient master, shrunk from him, and kept aloof, and took the first opportunity of the door being opened to leave the room ; but still took his station at the other side of the door, as if watching some expected event.

Of the dog’s history, from the time of his elopement, little more resulted from inquiry, than that he had one day followed some drovers who came to refresh themselves and their cattle : and that appearing to be foot-sore with travel, and unable to proceed with his companions, he staid in tho house, and had remained thero ever since. This account was obtained from the hostler, who added, he was as