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and he shall call upon you for them.” The whole family appeared struck with joy, amazement, and gratitude ; and M. de Sallo departed greatly moved, and with a mind filled with satisfaction at having saved a man, and perhaps a family, from the commission of guilt, from an ignominious death, and perhaps from eternal perdition. May we not say of M. de Sallo with Rowe :—

How few, like thee, enquire the wretched out,
And court the offices of soft humanity.

Never was a day much better begun : the consciousness of having performed such an action, when it recurs to the mind of a reasonable being, must be attended with pleasure, and that self-complacency, and secret approbation, which is more desirable than gold and all the pleasures of the earth.


Dryden’s definition, “that the soul is a little blue flame running about within us,” must flash conviction upon the mind of an infidel. What renders the thought yet more admirable is, that it is far from an inferior description of love; for, if love be not also “a little blue flame running about within us,” what is it? But, whatever difficulties obstruct the definition of the passion, few are ignorant of its effects. The biographer, the critic, the mathematician, the geographer, the historian, and the naturalist, deviate imperceptibly from the point, to relate the wonderful effects of love.—The monarch forgets his inequality, and kneels ; the minister flies the court, and sighs ; and even the fish-woman, as she bears the ambrosial brandy to her lips, acknowledges the power of love, and calls for more?