Page:Four popular songs (8).pdf/4

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And while romping with a girl,
By accident I tear her cap.
With my fal, lal, &c.

Gadzooks, I'll never marry,
I'm a lad that's hold and free,
Yet I love a pretty girl,
A pretty girl is fond of me.
Wiih my fal, lal, &c.

There's a maiden in a corner,
Round & sound, & plump and fat,
She and I drink tea together,
But no matter, sir, for that,
With my fal; lal, &c.

If this maiden be with bairn,
As I do suppose she be,
Like good pappy I must learn,
To dandle Jacky on my knee.
With my fal, lal, &c.

| ——— |


A woman is like to—but stay—
What a woman is like who can say