Of Peter de Abano. jp
The e Benedi8ion of perfumes.
THe God ofAbrahamy God of Ifaac God of Jacob) blefihere the creatures ofthefe kindes, that they mayfillupthe power and vertut of their odours j fo that neither the enemy , nor any falfe imagination y may be able to enter into them: through our Lord Jefm Chrifly &c. Then lee chem be fprinkled with holy
The Bxorcifme of the fire upon which the perfumes are to be put.
THe fire which is to be ufed for iuffumigations , is to be in a new veflfel of earth or iron ; and let it be exorcifed after this manner. J exorcife theeyOtbou creature oj fire , by him by whom all things are made , that forthwith thou cefi away every phantafme from thee , that itjhallnot be able to do any hurt in any thing. Then fay, Blefy O Lordy this creature offirey and fanUtfie it , that itmaybeblejfedtofetforththepraifeofthyholy name > that no hurt may come to the Exerciferj or Spectators : through our Lord J eftuChrtfiyUc.
Of the (farment and Tentacle^.
LEt it be a Priefts Garment,if it can be : but if it cannot be had,let it be of linen,and clean. Then take this Pentade made in the day and hour of Mercury y the Moon increafing, written in parchment made of a kids skin. But firft let there be faid over it the Mafs of the holy Ghoft , and let it be fprinkled with water of baptifm.
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