84 Magical Elements,
nay, Saday, Rex regum potentiffimus & trcmendifftniui, cujw vi- res nulla fubterfugere fotefi creaturavobis ptriinaciffimis futu- res nip obeditritu , &appareatis ante hunc Circulum , affabiles fubito , tandem ruinaficbilit miferabi/ifque, & ignis perpetuus inextmguibilis vos manet. Venite ergo in nomine Adonay Zcba- oth, Adonay Amioram : venite, venite, quid tardatis f fefrinate imperat vobU Adonay^ Sad ay, Rex regum, El, Aty, Titeip, A- K.ia,Hyn,Jen, Minofcl, Achadan : yay^aayEy^Haa^ye^Exe^i^ly El,El,a,Hy,Hau,HAu,Hau,Va,Va,Va,ira.
<tA Grayer to (fod, to be f aid in the four parts of the world > in the Circle.
AMorule, Taneha, Latiflen, Rabur, Taneha, LatiTten, Efcha, Aladidy Alpha &■ Omega ;LeyJle,Orifton,Adonay:0 mymofi merafnl heavenly Father, have mercy upon me, although a (in- ner ; make appear the arm of thy power in me this day ( although thy unworthy child) againfl thefe obflir.ate and pcmiciius Spirits, that I by thy will may be made a contemplator of thy divine worlds, and may be illuflrated with all wifdem , and alwaies wor- fhip and glorifie thy name. I humbly implore and be free h thee, that thefe Spirit t which I call by thy judgement , may be bound and con/trained to come, and give true and perfeil anfwers to thefe things which I (hall askjhem, and that they may declare and jhew unto us thofe things which by me or us (hall be commanded them, not hurting any creature, neither injuring nor terrifying me or my fellows,nor hurting any other creature,and affrighting nt man ; but let them be obedient to my reqttefts, in all thefe things which J com- mand them. Then lec him rtand in the middle of the Circle, and hold his hand towards thePemade,and fay , Per Ptnta- culum Salomons advoca vi, dent mihi refponfum verum.
Then let him fay , Beralanen/ts,3aldarhienfs, Paumachu & Apologia, fedes, per Reges potefiatt fq magnanimas, deprinci- pes trapotenles, oenio, Liachidd, minillrt tartar e a fedes : Prhvttc,
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