9 6 UMagical Elements ,
At the North.
Thiel. Racl. J riahel.
Venahel. Velel. lAbttiori. Ucirnnel.
At the South.
Millie/. Nelapa. Babel. Caluel. Vet. Laquet,
The Fumigation of Wednefday.
The Conjuration of Wednefday.
COnjuro (fr confrmo vos angeli fortes, fanCli (jr potentet , in nomine form, metuendijfmi &r ben diftt Ja, ^Adonay, E- loim , Sad ay , Saday, Saday, Eie, Eie, Eie, zAfamie, tA(araie : efr in nomine ^Adonaj Dei lfrael, qui creavit lummarU magna, ad diftinguendum diem a nolle : dr per nomen omnium tAngelo~ Tum dejervientium i» exercitu fecundo coram Tetra Angela ma- Joriy atfyforli & potenti • & per nomen Stella, qua eft Mercu- rial : r*r per nomen Sigilli, qua fgilUtur a Deo fortijpmo cfr he nor at o : per omnia praditta fuper te Raphael Angele magne, con- Juro y qui es pr spoil tus die: quart* : &■ per no~ en fanEl urn quod e- Ttttfcrip um in fronre tAaron facerdotU ah ffimi creatoris .- & per ttomina eAnge/orum , qu ' in gratiam SalvaiorU confrmati [um: dr per nemen fedu zAwmalium J habentium fenat alas , quod pro me labo e r, &r. As in the Conjuration of Sunday.
The Spirits of the Air of Wednefday are fubje£ttothe South- weft-winde : their nature is to give all Metals ; to re- veal all earthly things pafl,prefent and to come ; to pacifie
- udges,t ogive victories in war, to re-edifie,and teach experi-
ments and all decayed Sciences,and to change bodies mixrof
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