Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/155

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of the Nature of Spirits. 1 3 1

Magicians of Pharaoh , who in the fight of many people brought forth frogs and fcrpents, and curned the waters into blood, tsipuletu doth tcflifie the power of men to be fo great in Inchantments , thai the devils do noc onely work Miracles by the means of men, but they arc able alfo to fub- vert Nature, and with a Demoniacal ]ncantation,makc vio- The In- lent fircams to ftay their couric, To turn the windes , To chant- make the fun ftand ftill,To break the courfc of the moon, To I " cn " °f lay impediments upon the fiars, To prolong the day, and to doVubwc fhorcen the night j as Lucanu* excellently rnewcth. Nature.

(feffavcre vices rerun*, dilatafe longtty Hafit xocledicSf Itgi von jar nit ather Torruit & praceps audita Carmine mftndur.

And TibnllHs of a certain Demoniacal Charm,

JJanc ego de ccelo ducentemfydera vidi y

Fluminis ac rapidi Carmine vertttater f H<tc canti* fttndittfofoluM maneftjij fepttlchru

Elicity & tepido devoratojfurogo. Cum libet hac trifti depellit lumina calo,

£um libet aftivo convocat orbc Hives,

Caft. I do not any more wonder that Mofes called God Wonderfnl) that he doth fo connive at this fink of wickednefs, and moft wicked feduccrs , that he grantcth them power to aft fuch things fo freely.

Poll. Firmiantu excellently fheweth why God doth fo , in his laft book but one of the works of Cod , De opifcio Dei : W ^ |t j e ^ for he faith, that vcrtue is not vertue, tinlefs it have fome {^ e j ev ,|j like , in ruling whereof it may {hew and exercifc its ro work power : for he iaith , At Vittory cannot ftand without Vertue^ Miracles. fo neither can VcrtHC fnbji(r -without an Enemy ; which vertue no foontr had the Almighty indued man withal , but he forth- with added unto him an enemy , left that vertue fhould tofe its na- ture, bungftupiptd withidlcntfi. He faith , that a m<ot cannot

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