Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/170

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i$6 Gerard Cremoner.fis,

four Lines, let Aries be placed in the Afcendent ; Jf L&utia y or the leffer Fortune put Tahxw in the Afcendent;if Pueros Ruhcy4$\.icz Gemini ; if AlbtujCaiicertf ' fcaJLco ; tfConjunUio or the Dragons Head^irgo ; if Pue]la,Libra\\S Amijfio OX Trifii- tiAyScorpiorf he Dragons Taily>agittarj]\i Pofulm^Qafricorn ; if Forthixa major^^^aarj ; if C*r«r,then put Tifcet lot the Af- cendent. Afterwards in the fecond Houfe, let that figne be placed which immediately fucceeds the other. In the third Houfe the third Signe, and fo place the rdt in order until you come unto the end of the Signes j and make one fquare figure divided into twelve eqnafparts,and therein place the Signes in order , as ic is in Aflrology , and as you may finde them in this figure : neither are we here to regard the » wic- nefles, or * Judge, or any other thing which belongs to Ge- oraancie; but onely the fixteen Figures, that by them we may have the twelve Signes, to which they agree ; and ob- ferve the maner of the Figure as it is here placed.






��Loekjiow the twelve Signes are placed in tf'.efgtcre^ and Co may any other Signe be of- cexding in hit ti/rtty as Aries it here.







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