Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/177

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Of /i(trcnoi7;ical Geomaxcie 1 6$

thcr fhall (he ever have any children ; or if the Lord of the fifth Hull be in them Houfes.

And would know, within how many years fhe fhall have children , look where you finds the Lord of the fifth ; for in that year (he fhall have iltue ; if he be in the firft, in the firft year ; if in the fecond,in ihefecond year ; and fo you may number unto the twelfth Hoiife. And if meanSignes be in the Afcendent, fhe that is with child hath twins in her wombe, which will live, if a good Plancc be in the firft ; and if an evil Planet, they will die j and if there be one good and another evil, one (hall live, and another die ; and if a mean Signe fhall be afcending, and Mars in that Signe, the mother (hall die, and noc die childe ; if Saturn, both the mo- ther and child fhall die ; and if the Dragons Tailht there, its portable they will both die ; but the infant fhall note- lea pe ; and if the Dragons Tailbz fo in the firft, and the tenth Houfe fallen : the mother fhall die ; likewife if Mars and the lMooh, or (JMars and Saturn be in the firft, feventh or tenth, the mother fhall die.

Whether the party with child fhall mifcarry, or nor. Con- fider if a moveable Signe be afcending, becaufe if it be fo,ihe will mifcarry.

If you would know whether a woman fhall bring forth a man-child, or a woman-child ; behold the Afcendent and his Lord, which if he be mafculine, and in a mafculine Signe, or in a mafculine quarter of the Figure , it is a male-childe ; buc if the Lord of the Afcendent be feminine, and in a femi- nine Signe, or in a feminine quarter of the Circle, it will be a woman-child ; and fo you fhall confideralfo of the lMooh. Confider alfo if more of the Planets be in mafculine Signes,thcn it will be a male-child ; and if many Planets be in feminine Signes,then it is a female-childe.

And if you would know whether the child be legitimate or adulterate ; fee if Saturn, tjMars or the Dragons Tail be in the fifth, or with the Lord of the fifth ; becaufe if it be fo, ic is adulterate ; but if a good Planet fhall be there , it is le- gitimate : and if the Lord of the firft , be in the fifth, or

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