Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/21

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To the ^Author, on his Tranflation of Cornelius Agrippa. DOth PhccbuJ ceafe to anfwer t' our demands ? Or will he not accept at mortals hands A {ad Bidental f And u Sibyls cave Inhabitable ? Or may Tircfns have No fuccejfor nor rival } How (hall we Then Oedipus to th* world diretl f If he Do Inceft aide to Parricide, th* are dumb, That could predict what things fliould furely come : And they are filent that knew when t' apply 7" our body P o lit iclt^P urge and Phlebotomy. How will bold thieves our treafures rob, who {hall Loft goods regain , or by his Charms recal The nocent t Th* Art it by thee repriv'd : In thee the Magifeem to be reviv'd, Phoebus is not brain- fick^t Joyes doves not dead, Th' Oracles not ceaf'd .- AgrippaV bed (Likf the Arabian birds felf buildtd neft, Which firft her Zirn proves, then her quickjning reft Hath theeprodue'd more then his equal fure» Elfe had tnit Art as yet remained obfeure, ji miracle to vulgar s, well known to none, Scarce read by deepeft apprehenfion* Then ril conclude Since thou doft him explain, That th' younger brother hath the better brain* John Tomlinfon, of St. John V in Cambridge* To