Arbatel ^ UMagick. 203
Therefore let every one compare his ends with the word of God, and as a touchflone that will judge between good and evil ; and let him propofe unto himfelf what is to be avoided, and what is to be fought after ; and that which he confli- tuteth and determined! unto himfelf, let him follow diligent- ly , not procraftinating or delaying , until he attain to his appointed bound.
<z/fphor.l o.
They which defire riches, glory of this world, Magiftracy, honours,digniiies,tyrannies, (and that magically) if they en- deavour diligently after them, they fhall obtain them , every one according to hisdefiiny, induflry, and magical Sciences, as the Hiftory of MeUfina witneffeth , and the Magitians thereof,who ordained,That none of the Italian nation fhould for ever obtain the Rule or Kingdom of Naples ; and brought it to pafs , that he who reigned in his age , to be thrown down from his feat r fo great is the power of the guardian or tutelar Angels of the Kingdoms of the world.
zAphor. 31.
Call the Prince of the Kingdom, and lay a command upon him,and command what thou wilr,and it (nail be done^f that Prince benot again abfolved from his obedience by a fucceed- ing Magitian. Therefore the Kingdom of Naples may be again reitored to the Italians,if any Magitian Hull call him who in- fiituted this order,and compel him to recal his deed ; he may be compelled alfo,to reftore the fecret powers taken from the treafury of Magick ; A Book , a Gemme, and magical Horn, which being had, any one may eafily, if he will, make himfelf the Monarch of the world. But Judeus chufed rather to live among Gods, until the judgement, before the t ranfitory good of this world; and his heart is foblinde , that he under- flandeth nothing of the God of heaven and earth, or think- eth more , but enjoyeth the delights of things immortal, to
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