Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/220

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io6 A rbatel of Magick.

the light ; others, of darknefs : thefe are fubjeft to vanity, becaufe they run headlong into darknefs , and inchral them- felves in eternal punifhments for their rebellion. Their Kingdom is partly very beautiful in tranfitory and corrup- tible things on the one part , becaufe it cannot confift with- out fome vertuc and great gifts of God ; and partly moft filthy and horrid to be fpoken of, becaufe it aboundeth with all wickednefs and fin, idolatry, contempt of God , ^ blafphe- mies againft the true God and his works, worshipping of devils, difobedience towards Magiftrates, feditions , homi- cides , robberies , tyranny, adulteries, wicked lufts, rapes, thefts , lyes, perjuries, pride, and a covetous defire of rule j in this mixture confiftcth the kingdom of darknefs : bucthe creatures of the lighr, are filled with eternal truth, and with the grace of God , and are Lords of the whole world,and do reign over thel.ordsof darknefs, as the members of Chrift. Between thefe and the other, there is a continual war , until God fliall put an end to their flrife , by his laft judgement.

Aphor. 38.

Therefore Magick is twofold in its firftdivifion ; the one is of God> which he beftoweth on the creatures of light; the other alfo is of God,but it is the gift which he giveth unto the creatures of darknefs : and this is alfo two-fold : the one is to a good end, as when the Princes of darknefs are compel- led to do good unto the creatures , God enforcing them j the other is for an evil end , when God permitteth fuch to punifh evil perfons , that magically they are deceived tode- flru&ion j or , alfo he commandeth fuch to be caft out into deftrncYion.

The fecond dtvifion of Magick is , that it bringeth to pafs fome works with vifible instruments, through vifible things ; and it cfre&eth other works with invfible inflru- ments by invifiblc things ; and it afteth other things, afwel with mixed means, as increments andeffe&s.


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