Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/227

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Arbace] of tMagkk. 21 3

thankfgiving; the other is a little follieuous about eternal things; but wholly exercifeth himfelf about corporal things, that he may freely enjoy all his lufts and delights in con- tempt of God and his anger.

t/iphor. 44.

The pafTage from the common life of man unto a Magical life, is no other but afleep, from that life; and ana- waking to this life; for thofe things which happen to igno- rant and unwife men in their common life , the fame things happen to the willingand knowing Magitian.

The Magitian underftandeth when theminde doch medi- tate of himfelf; he deliberated!, reafoneth,conftituteth and determined! what is to be done • he obferveth when his co- gitations do proceed from a divine feparate effence , and he proveth of what order that d ivine feparate effence is.

But the man that is ignorant of Magick, is carried to and fro , as it were in war with his affeftions; he knoweth not when they ifliie out of his own minde , or are im- prefled by the affifting effence; and he knoweth not how to overthrow the counfels of his enemies by the word of God, or to keep himfelf from the fnares and deceits of the tempter.


The greateft precept of Magick is , to know what every man ought to receive for his ufe from the affifting Spirit, and what to refufe : which he may learn of the Pfalmift , faying, Wherewith {kaU a yong man cUanfc his way? in peeping thy wordy Oh Lord. To keep the word of God , fo that the evil one fnatch it not out of the heart , is the chiefefl precept of wif- dom. It is lawful to admit of, and exercife other fnggeflions which are not contrary to the glory of God, and charity to- wards cur neighbours , not inquiring from what Spirit fuch fuggeftions proceed : But we ought to rake heed, that we

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