To the aJuthor , on this bis ingenious Tranjlation of Cornelius Agrippa. ytffJat u*tl view ? Agrippa made to wear An Englifl) habit ? Sure 'tis fomcthing rare. Or are bis Romane garments, by tby Wit, Tranjlated to an Englifb garb fo fit 1" illuflrate him ? for that thou haft, we fee, Eniightned his ob feme Philofophie • And that which didfo intricate remain, Thou halt expos' d to ev'ry vulgar brain. Jf then thy beams through fuch dark works jhlne clear , Bow ff Undent will they in thine own appear I Then go thou on % brave fcut, to fpreadfucb rap Of Learning through the world, may [peak tbypraifc. And fear no Criticks : for thou, by a Spell, Canfi force their tongues within their teeth to dwell, Jo. Tabor, of St. ] ohnV in Cambridge.