Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/32

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And this which we have declared is the common manner observed by Geomancers, which we do not altogether reject neither extoll; there this is also to be considered in our judgements: Now therefore I shall give unto you the true Figure of Geomancy, according to the right constitution of Astrologicall reason, which is thus. As the former Matres doe make the foure Angles of an House, the first maketh the first Angle, the second the second Angle, the third maketh the third Angle, and the fourth the fourth Angle; so the foure Filiae arising from the Matres, doe constitute the foure succe- dent Houses; the first maketh the second House, the second the eleventh, the third the eighth, and the fourth maketh the fifth House: the rest of the Houses, which are Cadents are to be calculated according to the Rule of their triplicity; that is to say, by making the ninth out of the fourth2 and fifth, and the sixth out of the tenth and second, of the seventh and eleventh the third, and of the fourth and eighth the twelfth. And now you have the whole Figure of true judgement constituted according to true and efficatious reasons, whereby I shall shew how you shall compleat it: the Figure which shall bee in the first house shall give you the signe ascending, which the first Figure sheweth; which being done, you shall attribute their signes to the rest of their Houses, Table 3: Matres and the derived Filiae

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1. See illustration next page. 2. Should read “first”. By this alternate method, the Cadent figures are calculated by combining the fig- ures according to the elemental triplicity of the zodiac signs that naturally correspond to each house. E.g., Aries to the first house, Taurus to the second, etc. Thus the ninth house, Sagittarius, is derived from the first and fifth houses, corresponding to Aries and Leo. The astrological chart on page 7 reflects this method, and not the “Theme” shown on the page 6. 6 according to the order of the signes: then in every House you shall note the Planets according to the nature of the Figure: then from all these you shall build your judgement according to the signification of the Planets in the signes and Houses wherein they shall be found, and according to their aspects among themselves, and to the place of the querent and thing quosited; and you shall judge according to the natures of the signes ascending in their Houses, and according to the natures of proprieties of the Figures which they have placed in the severall Houses, and according to the commisture of other Figures aspecting them: The Index of the Figure which the Geomancers for the most part have made. how it is found in the former Figure. Matres. Filiae. AThemeofGeomancy. Coadjutrices or Testes Index 7 But here we shal give you the secret of the whole Art, to find out the Index in the sub- sequent Figure, which is thus: that you number all the points which are contained in the lines of the projections,