Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/74

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Angles, some Divine name, obtaining the force and efficacie of the thing desired: yet so nevertheless, that the name which is of this sort do consist of just so many letters, as the Figure may constitute a number; or of so many letters of a name, as joyned together amongst themselves, may make the number of a Figure; or by any number which may be divided without any superfluity or diminution. Now such a name being found, whether it be onely one name or more, or divers names, it is to be written in all the several Angles of the Figure: but in the middle of the Figure let the revolution of the name be whole and totally placed, or at least principally.

Oftentimes also we constitute Pentacles, by making the revolution of some kinde of name, in a square Table, and by drawing about it a single or double Circle, and by writing therein some holy Versicle competent and befitting this name, or from which that name is extracted. And this is the way of making the Pentacles, according to their several distinct forms and fashions, which we may as we please either multiply or commix together by course among themselves, to work the greater efficacie, and extension and enlargement of force and vertue.

As, if a deprecation should be made for the overthrow and destruction of ones enemies, then we are to minde and call to remembrance how God destroyed the whole face of the earth in the deluge of waters; and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha, by raining down fire and brimstone; likewise, how God overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red-Sea: and to call to minde if any other malediction or curse be found in holy Writ. And thus in things of the like sort. So likewise in deprecating and praying against perils and dangers of waters, we ought to call to remembrance the saving of Noah in the deluge of waters, the passing of the children of Israel thorow the Red-Sea; and also we are to minde how Christ walked upon the waters, and saved the ship in danger to be cast away with the tempest; and how he commanded the windes and the waves, and they obeyed him; and also,