Page:Frank Owen - The Scarlett Hill, 1941.djvu/335

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The Scarlet Hill

brute had become fascinated as he watched Duke Yang unctuously munching his almonds.

He grumbled, and murmured curses against the entire Yang family.

"I, too, like almonds," he said.

Kuo-chung, angered, was resentful. He struck the miserable creature over the head with the flat of his sword. It was with difficulty that Kao Li-shih rescued him. But the spark was touched off. A conflagration flared up against the entire Yang family. The soldiers of An Lu-shan saw to it that there was an abundant supply for everyone of a strong wine in which the spirit of poppies had been potently blended.

By midnight, the mutiny flamed into the open. Kuo-chung was slain as he sat with Kuo Kuo. Duke Yang was clubbed to death and his beloved almonds distributed among the troops.

"Death to all members of the Yang family!"

Kao Li-shih walked alone among the leaders and tried to stem the vicious flood.

"Where is Yang Kuei-fei?" they cried. "Where is Yang Kuei-fei?"

A hundred tongues took up the shout. Kao, armed only with a club, stood his ground.

A leering face, munching almonds, said, "The Yangs are the cause of China's betrayal. The Emperor squandered fortunes on his favorite while the people starved!"

"You will starve no more," said Kao, gently, and brought his cudgel down on the head of the speaker

with such force that brains spattered the roadside for