Page:Frank Spearman--Whispering Smith.djvu/123

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At the Three Horses

know Henry Karg—and old Stormy Gorman—well, I guess you know him too,” exclaimed Sinclair, introducing the other players. “Look here a minute, Harvey.”

Harvey, much against his inclination, was drawn from the table and retired with Sinclair and Dancing to an empty corner, where Dancing told his story again. At the conclusion of it Harvey rather snorted. Sinclair asked questions. “Was anybody else there when you saw McCloud, Bill?”

“One man,” answered Bill impressively.


“A stranger to me.”

“A stranger? What did he look like?”

“Slender man and kind of odd talking, with a sandy mustache.”

“Hear his name?”

“He told me his name, but it’s skipped me, I declare. He’s kind of dark-complected like.”

“Stranger, eh?” mused Du Sang; his eyes were wandering over the room.

“Slender man,” repeated Bill, “but I didn’t take much notice of him. Said he was in the real-estate business.”

“In the real-estate business? And did he sit there while you talked this over with the college guy?” muttered Du Sang.